Cambodia Embassy in Finland

Cambodia Embassy in Finland is an office of communication between Cambodia Government and Finland. It operates as the official representative of the Cambodia in Finland. The following is major information about Cambodia Embassy for Finland and the way which you can apply you visa to Cambodia through:

Embassy of Cambodia in Finland

Add: 64 Brondesbury Park Willesden Green NW6 7AT London United Kingdom

Citizens or residents in Finland can choose one of three options below to apply for a visa to Cambodia:

  • One, directly contact and apply your Cambodia eVisa at the Cambodia Embassy in Finland by yourself as above address.
  • Two, obtain Visa on arrival at the Visa Counter upon arrival at Cambodia International Airports in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap International Airport. Please note that not all foreign passport holders can apply for a visa on arrival, therefore, they should check with the nearest Royal Embassy of Cambodia for the specific visa requirements for their countries.
  • Three, apply for Cambodia E-Visa (recommended) for time-saving. By this way, you will get the Cambodia visa approval letter before leaving Finland for Cambodia, so that you can pick up Cambodia visa at arriving airport. Please visit our Visa Processing to better understand how Cambodia E-Visa works and how to apply for a E-Visa safer and faster.

If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Thank you!